Zespół Centrum Badań DNA przygotował nowy panel genetycznych predyspozycji do ponad 30 rodzajów nowotworów w oparciu o technologię NGS i analizę ponad 200 genów o potwierdzonym znaczeniu klinicznym. Projekt wpisuje się w program walki z rakiem, na który Komisja Europejska przeznaczyła 4 miliardy euro. To pierwsze tego typu rozwiązanie naukowe i badawcze opracowane w Unii Europejskiej. Pozwoli na szybką i bardzo precyzyjną walkę z rakiem oraz oszczędności na poziomie kilku miliardów euro rocznie!

Molecular diagnostics which is based on PCR methods (e.g. Real Time - PCR) is a sensitive test, whose primary limitation is difficulty in appropriate material selection. According to the recommendations the biopsy of skin lesions is the best material to make this test but analysis of systemic fluids such as: urine, blood or cerebrospinal fluid is also accepted.

The result of a genetic test does not indicate the current health status. Detecting a genetic mutation is not equivalent with neoplasm development at a given moment. It proves increased predisposition, a predisposition for developing neoplasm at a much younger age than the population average, and therefore, it indicates that there is a need to introduce appropriate prophylaxis.

According to recommendations of the Polish Association of Epidemiologists and Infectious Disease Doctors diagnostics of every clinical form of the Lyme disease should be consisted of two stages. During the first step we should detect the presence of specific antibodies of IgM or IgG class (depending on the clinical form) with immuno-enzyme assay (ELISA)

When it comes to cancer diagnosis, speed and accuracy make all the difference. Thanks to our cancer panels, the diagnoses may be faster and more effective than it was ever before. The DNA Research Center is a world-class research facility that will revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat cancer. The Centre as the first one in Poland offers three cancer panels targeting genes previously linked to a genetic predisposition towards cancer.